Sunday 21 August 2011

Toning Up

Ahoy there maties,

Thought I'd just write a little something (not about my current Tae Bo-centric exercise routine which you may have concluded from reading the title - is referencing Tae Bo very outdated?) but in actual fact about the recent re-appearance of toning that has popped up quite unexpectedly in my face washing routine.

Now I used to be quite the avid toner, if I do say so myself, toning around the place like a crazy rose water scented fool. I think I had Clinique to blame for this early obsession as their 3-step skin care system cleaned up my pimple-prone teenage butt (and by butt I mean face - or do I? - yes, yes I do) really well until my $5 a week pocket money allowance made all things Clearasil seem much more financially viable (not nearly as kind to the skin though).

I finally gave up on the entire premise of using a toner, figuring that since cleansers no longer contained animal fats and the like that in the olden days (you know, like the time before krumping was socially acceptable) would require the use of a toner such as rose water to remove any residue left on the skin after cleansing, they were no longer necessary. But oh how wrong I have been proven to be, namely due to this little cheeky number:

This A'kin Hydro Essential Lavender Cellular Brightening Mist ($24.95) first caught my eye due to its somewhat outlandish statement that it would brighten my cells - jury's still out on that one unfortunately. Fortunately however, this lovely mist is very refreshing and calming and really accentuates the cleansing power of my cleanser (if that makes any sense at all) by refreshing my face-skin and making it feel as though it is utterly clean but still full of moisture, which is a feeling a lot of cleansers can strip away.

I have noticed that my skin has been much calmer and less prone to freaking out and showing me a very unwelcome face full of red splotches in the morning - oh how I detest a splotchy morning, really ruins my vegemite toast. Thus I think I'll be jumping back on the toner bandwagon for the foreseeable future.

But I am interested to know how others feel about the good old toner. Necessary? Waste of 20 precious seconds? Really yum when sprayed/sloshed/rubbed on pineapple?

Personally, I like it on Hotdogs.

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