Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Vote for me!

I do apologise if that sounded like a demand, it was meant more as an excitable suggestion.

As I'm sure many of you beauty savvy so and so's are aware the beacon of all beauty-related knowledge, tips, trends as well as the occasional Lancome Juicy Tubes-coated pig-in-blanket (they're all the rage, apparently) Primped is currently holding a competition to find a lucky-as-a-pig-in-mud (wow, lots of pig references today) beauty reviewer from each state to basically get free products and review them. That's right, FREE products, for FREE (ie. none of that pesky money has to flee your precious lady wallet in order for you to get lots of awesome beauty loot), and all you have to do in return is review the lovely things they send you.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well you'd be wrong wrong wrongity wrong, I said a-wrong wrong wrongity wrong (a-wrong wrong wrong) - How I Met Your Mother anyone? No?

In actual fact it is completely true, and I suggest if you love all things beauty, get a literary tingle in your nether regions from writing, and love Primped you should really enter RIGHT NOW (oh and you should probably live in an Australian state or territory also - sorry Uzbekistan, I don't make the rules).

Or failing that, (can you sense the impending shameless self-promotion) you could always vote for little old me!

That's right, oh readery ones, you can vote for me (or Sara from SA as I am formally known) and make me one happy little chappy. Or you could just go and get a banana Paddle Pop and forget all about it, but I'd really prefer if you'd vote.

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